49 Angle Road, Walkerville
P.O. Box 378, Walkerville, 1876
Tel: 073 462 4937
30 June 2013
The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 10:1-12, 17-20)
The “Sons of Thunder” in today’s Gospel (that is, the apostles James and John) want to watch the Samaritans be punished with fire from heaven for not having shown them hospitality when they passed through their village. But Jesus rebukes the two brothers for wanting vengeance. We know the character of God from the words of the prophet Ezekiel: “Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, says the Lord God, and not rather that they should turn from their ways and live?” (Ez 18:23).
St. Faustina wrote in her Diary: When once I asked the Lord Jesus how He could tolerate so many sins and crimes and not punish them, the Lord answered me, “I have eternity for punishing [these], and so I am prolonging the time of mercy for the sake of [sinners]. But woe to them if they do not recognize this time of My visitation. My daughter, secretary of My mercy, your duty is not only to write about and proclaim My mercy, but also to beg for this grace for them, so that they too may glorify My mercy” (Diary 1160).
Prayer: Merciful Lord Jesus, preserve me from wanting to see my enemies punished. Give me the grace to forgive them and to pray for their conversion. I know that every human being, no matter how evil, is precious in Your sight. Help me to see others through Your loving and merciful eyes. I trust in You! Amen.
23 June 2013
The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 9:18-24)
In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus asks His disciples, “But who do you say that I am. Jesus knows that each person He has created has a unique relationship with Him. For one person He is “my Saviour,” for another “my King,” for yet another “my Peace,” “my Shelter,” “my best Friend,” “my Beloved,” “my Protector,” “my Rock,” “my Lord and my God,” and so on. How do I experience Jesus? Who is He for me? Have I ever really thought about it?
St. Faustina had a very unique relationship with God. Thanks to her purity of heart and the ability to cooperate with God’s grace, she could actually hear Jesus speak to her. Experiencing Him in such a rich way, she knew He was everything to her. She wrote: “Jesus, Friend of a lonely heart, You are my haven, You are my peace. You are my salvation, You are my serenity in moments of struggle and amidst an ocean of doubts. You are the bright ray that lights up the path of my life. You are everything to a lonely soul. You understand the soul even though it remains silent. You know our weaknesses, and like a good physician, You comfort and heal, sparing us sufferings-expert that You are.” (Diary 247).
Prayer: Merciful Lord Jesus, I know that You love me, and that You have created me to love You. Help me to love You more, to really dedicate time to getting to know You better, and to discover who it is You want to be for me. Amen.
16 June 2013
The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 7:36-8:3)
In today’s Gospel we see a sinful woman anointing Jesus’ feet and bathing them with her tears. Simon, Jesus’ host, is scandalized by her, but Jesus points out that because the woman has been forgiven of a bigger debt than other people, she has more love than others for the One who forgave. In the book of Psalms we read: “If You, O Lord, should mark our guilt, Lord, who would survive? But with You is found forgiveness...” (Ps 130). Indeed, if God were not forgiving there would be no hope at all for any of us; we would never be able to make up for our sins. Like the sinful woman, we also need to realize of how big of a debt the Lord has forgiven us.
St. Faustina wrote: “Lord, first let me pour out my heart at Your feet in a fragrant anointing of gratitude for the many blessings which You lavish upon me (...). You have covered me with the cloak of Your mercy, pardoning my sins. Not once did You refuse Your pardon; You always had pity on me, giving me a new life of grace.” (Diary 1489).
Prayer: Merciful Lord Jesus, You have been so generous with Your mercy, forgiving my every sin. Help me to show You my gratitude by loving You with all my heart. I trust in You. Amen.
9 June 2013
The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 7:11-17)
In today’s Gospel Jesus encounters a widow grieving bitterly over the death of her only son, the one person this woman had been counting on to take care of her in her old age. Jesus does not remain indifferent to the mourning woman, but the Gospel tells us “when the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, ‘Do not weep.’” For the grieving woman, our Lord’s compassion went far beyond His consoling words--He proceeded to restore the son to life, and then gave him to his mother.
St. Faustina recorded her personal experience when the sorrows of her life had reduced her to tears: “Then suddenly I saw the Lord, who clasped me to His Heart and said to me, My daughter, do not weep, for I cannot bear your tears. I will grant you everything you ask for, but stop crying. And I was filled with great joy, and my spirit, as usual, was drowned in Him as in its only treasure. Today, encouraged by His kindness, I conversed with Jesus at greater length.” (Diary 928).
Prayer: Merciful Lord Jesus, You see my grief and sorrows, and no tear of mine is hidden from You. Help me to trust that Your compassion embraces me, and that You never remain indifferent or aloof when any one of Your beloved children is suffering or sad. Amen.
2 June 2013
Corpus Christi Sunday (Luke 9:11b-17)
In today’s Gospel we can see the Apostles’ lack of trust, as they want Jesus to dismiss the hungry crowds to go and find themselves food and lodging. It seems the Apostles don’t want to part with the five loaves and two fish they have—perhaps then they will be among the ones who have no food—unless, of course, they go off and buy some food, which is actually their solution to the problem. Instead of sending them shopping, however, Jesus tells them to have the crowd sit down. And He feeds all of them, with twelve wicker baskets to spare.
One time when St. Faustina was faced with what seemed to be an impossible situation, the Lord Jesus asked her: “Why are you afraid? Do you think that I will not have enough omnipotence to support you?” (Diary 1527).
Don’t we all sometimes panic, thinking that even God couldn’t get us out of this one? Yet He is always close by, wanting to minister to us in our most hopeless situations, and waiting to see if we will think of asking Him for help.
Prayer: Merciful Lord Jesus, help me in even the most difficult situations to remember that You can do anything. You always know what is best for me. I trust in You. Amen.