49 Angle Road, Walkerville
P.O. Box 378, Walkerville, 1876
Tel: 083 979 4917
Fr. Malcolm visits the sick of our parish every Tuesday morning with the Blessed Sacrament. Please contact Fr. Malcolm directly with names and addresses of sick or homebound Catholics within our parish boundaries. Fr. Malcolm is also available on call to visit sick parishioners in hospital to pray and administer Sacraments as needed.
Reading classes are offered free of charge with the aim of empowering illiterate adults to enter more fully into society and giving them access both to the Word of God, and to the wealth of written knowledge that has been developing through the centuries.
Fr. Michael Connell is now offering Holy Mass in Sesotho on Sunday mornings at Lerato School in Eikenhof. The Mass begins at 11:00am. On the first Sunday of each month there is no Mass in Eikenhof, but the assembly is asked to attend Mass at Divine Mercy Parish in Walkerville either on Saturday evening at 6:00pm or on Sunday morning at 8:00am.